Experience in the audit for more than 17 years. He has a higher economic education and a Diploma in International Financial Reporting (DipIFR). He has completed training at the CIMM course “Certified Commercial Investment Member Institute”, CERTIFIED INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANT (CIPA).
Has experience in conducting audits of banks and non-bank financial institutions, energy companies, real estate, hotel business, insurance companies, securities traders, audit of tax accounting. Specialist in tax planning, financial analysis of enterprises and banks, has experience in providing consulting services on accounting, taxation, securities circulation, forecasting and risk assessment, evaluation of internal audit systems.
In the Company, he manages projects for the provision of audit services, responsible for internal quality control.
Membership in professional communities:
Member of the Union of Auditors of Ukraine; Member of the Board of the Kiev Territorial Branch of the Union of Auditors of Ukraine; Member of the Council of the Union of Auditors of Ukraine.
Auditor’s certificates:
The certificate of the auditor of the series No. 006503, issued on the basis of the decision of ACU №197 / 2, valid until 18.12.2018
The certificate of the auditor of banks №0070, issued on the basis of decision АCU №207 / 2, valid until 01.01.2015
The certificate of NBU №0000005, issued on the basis of the decision of the Committee on Audit of Banks No. 1, valid until 01.01.2015
Certificate A No. 001539 of the State Commission for Regulation of Financial Services Markets of Ukraine for inclusion in the register of auditors who can conduct audits of financial institutions, registration number No. 001539, valid until 18.12.2013