Inventory of fixed assets
Most of the inventory of fixed assets is carried out during the end of the fiscal year, which allows you to reflect in the annual report the real amount of the Company’s assets. However, just at this time the load of employees reaches their peak values, therefore it is considered expedient to involve independent experts for the inventory.
Our specialists will help to solve this problem qualitatively and quickly for the Company.
Marking, bar-coding, compilation of electronic database
Inventory of fixed assets in accordance with the legislation on accounting is conducted at least once a year. This procedure helps to identify surpluses, eliminate over-sorting and account for unaccounted-for property.
The process of inventorying is quite labor-intensive, which can be a big problem for a company with a large number of assets, inventory objects and financially responsible persons. In any case, regardless of the size of the organization and the number of fixed assets, the process of organizing and conducting an inventory requires a professional and attentive approach.
Inventory by staff forces often causes unnecessary inconvenience and distracts employees from their main work. That is why the introduction of this procedure into outsourcing is a solution that gives a lot of obvious advantages:
The result of this work is an inventory that contains all inventory items found in the storage areas. In the course of the inventory, marking, bar-coding, and compilation of an electronic database are carried out.
The resulting list is compared with the accounting balances. This allows you to identify shortages and surpluses, eliminate the sorting.
Stages of inventory of fixed assets
Stages of inventory of fixed assets:
1. Identification of inventory objects;
2. Creation of an electronic database of property;
3. Bar coding, assignment of inventory numbers;
4. Assignment of the location of the property at the time of the audit;
5. Entering information about materially responsible persons; ·
6. Reconciliation of the results of the conversion with accounting data;
7. Identification of unrecorded, missing fixed assets, analysis of re-sorting;
The result of the work will be a list of assets in electronic form, indicating a detailed description, status, location, materially responsible person
Optimum inventory workflow
Application for inventory
Contact our manager to describe the task and discuss the details of its implementation.
Order an inventory or send an invitation to the tender at:
[email protected]
Determination of the schedule and working conditions
Tell us when you are more comfortable with the project, and in which offices.
Signing of the contract
Timing, Reporting format. The amount of the deal. Terms of payment
Our specialists will come to your office and either start reconciling with your master database, or create a new one by gluing and registering barcodes for fixed assets. They will also add a description and indicate the persons responsible for the material values as directed by you.
Automation of inventory and further accounting of fixed assets
Automation allows:
During the inspection:
After inventorying:
Mandatory annual inventory
We pay attention
Cases of failure to conduct (or improperly conduct) an annual inventory fall within the scope of the ALCO, namely: Art. 1642 (violation of the legislation on financial matters) provides for liability, in particular, for making false data in the financial statements, untimely or inadequate inventory of money and material assets. The fine is from 8 to 15 NMDG (from 136 to 255 UAH.).
[rt_icon icon_name="icon-link-ext"] auditing services BAB
[rt_icon icon_name="icon-link-ext"] accounting services BAB
03038, Ukraine, Kyiv
Nikolay Grinchenko str., 4
+380 44-521-40-07