As part of the provision of services to support acquisition (sale) transactions and in the course of developing a solution by a strategic investor, we conduct a set of measures aimed at assessing the financial condition (Due Diligence).
Due Diligence is a comprehensive analysis of internal and external relationships of the company, as a result of which the following goals are achieved:
verification of the reliability of financial and non-financial information on the company’s activities;
verification of information provided in investment documents;
assessment of the feasibility of implementing the existing company strategy;
an estimation of correctness of conducting document circulation for its conformity to the legislation and internal norms of the company;
assessment of the company’s competitive position in the market;
assessment of the competence of the company’s management to achieve its objectives;
assessment of the correctness and timeliness of filing tax and statistical reporting.
This research is divided into several parts: Operational Due Diligence, Financial Due Diligence and Legal Due Diligence, differing from each other both in terms of objectives and methods of conducting.
The results of the research allow the investor (customer) to make a final decision on the possibility of investing, to determine the inherent risks to the business, and to obtain the fullest possible information about the investment object.
The extensive experience of our experts in the field of audit, financial consulting, tax, accounting, and management accounting of enterprises of various organizational and legal forms of management and activities allows us to perform Due Diligence with maximum benefit to the customer.