An important factor for investors is the internal management system in the company and the formalization of business processes. So, with other things being equal (financial problems, etc.) it is quite obvious that the investor will give preference to the enterprise that is most transparent and manageable. And since to take care of the management system, it is not so much a financial investment as the expenditure of effort that is required, most companies can afford such a step.
The aim of our projects is to create a budgeting system that will correspond to the specific activities, strategic goals and organizational structure of the enterprise, as well as increase the investment attractiveness of the enterprise.
In the course of the project, we evaluate the existing accounting system at the enterprise and develop a package of documents necessary for the successful implementation of the processes of drawing up, approving, coordinating and monitoring the implementation of the budget, as well as making the necessary adjustments.
During the implementation of the project, we carry out the following procedures:
primary diagnostics of the existing system;
clarification of tasks and expected results;
definition of methodology for drawing up or changing budgets;
formalization of the budgetary process and authorities of the participants;
creation of a budgeted chart of accounts including the codification of articles;
creation of directories of budgetary system;
creation of a system for storing and modifying budget files;
creation and implementation of a system for monitoring the implementation of the budget;
analysis of deviations and changes in budgeting methodology and technology;
training participants in the basics of budgeting.
Based on the results of the work done, we will prepare:
primary diagnostics of the existing system;
clarification of tasks and expected results;
definition of methodology for drawing up or changing budgets;
creation and implementation of a system for monitoring the implementation of the budget;